

【发布时间】:2024-09-19 20:24:26

中国教育在线小编为大家收集整理了关于东京奥运会的雅思口语地道表达分享,那么接下来就跟着小编一起来看看,相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解。 对于我们中国队来说,7月27日绝对是此次奥运会上值得纪念的一天。因为在这一天中,中国队一举拿下三块金牌!势不可挡! 以7月27日为里程碑,现在就让我们一起来看看中国队在此之前都在哪些项目上获得了金牌,以及外媒是如何报道的。最关键的是,看看我们从这些报道中,可以学到哪些有用的英语表达吧! 01 Womens Synchronised 10m Platform 女子双人十米跳台跳水 1 Youngest pair seal victory in Womens Synchronized 10m diving in Olympic debut, as the USA claims silver and Mexico bronze---- olympics.com 这里我们要注意这个表达:Seal victory 一般我们在说赢得胜利的时候往往都会用 win 或者 get a victory,但这个seal的用法就更加地道,我们来看看字典上的释义吧: 另一个单词: Synchronized 也需要注意。 这个形容词的意思是:同步的。比如,你想吐槽某部电影的配音和画面不同步,就可以说the sound and pictures are not synchronized。 02 Womens Synchronised 3m Springboard 女子三米跳板跳水 Dominant pair SHI Tingmao and WANG Han of China in sync to win diving gold in 3m springboard. The duo won by a huge margin with Canadas Jennifer Abel and Melissa Citrini Beaulieu taking silver and Germanys Lena Hentschel and Tina Punzel bronze . ---- olympics.com 这里需要注意的表达:win by a huge margin with 意为大比分获胜。 margin这个单词一般表示边缘或者富裕出来的部分,也可以表示盈余。那么a huge margin 那就是富裕了很多了。有没有觉得很形象很生动? 03 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team 十米气手枪团体赛 JIANG Ranxin and PANG Wei secure Tokyo 2020 gold in 10m Air Pistol mixed team event. The duo from Peoples Republic of China fired away golden shotsto become the first Olympic champions in the event. ---- Olympics.com fire away是个很有趣的短语,它的字面意思是开火,但也有示意别人可以提问的意思。我们来看字典中的解释: 当然,这里并不是要让别人去提问,而是说中国队花式开火,而且颗颗都中金牌。 04 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team 十米气步枪团体赛 The Chinese combination Yang Qian/Yang Haoran won the gold medal in the 10-meter air rifle mixed team gold medal match at the Tokyo Olympics. This is the ninth gold medal of the Chinese sports delegation in this Olympic Games. Yang Qian has become the first post-00 Olympic double gold medalist in Chinas sports arena. ---- Tellerrepor 怎么能忘了delegation这个单词呢? delegation指的是代表团,这个词的正式程度是非常适合用在雅思写作上的。比如在写作中举例,Chinese sport team 和 Chinese sport delegation 明显就会有表达专业度上的差距。 05 10m Air Rifle Women 女子10m气步枪 Chinese shooter Yang Qian claimed the first gold medal of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in womens 10m air rifle on Saturday. Yang overtook Anastasiia Galashina when the Russian missed the center two rings for an 8.9 on her final shot. Yang had a 9.8 on her final shot and finished with an Olympic record 251.8. ---- indiatoday.in Overtake,表示压倒,压制或者超过。 Over是一个非常百搭的词缀,一般情况下表示过分的/过量的。将这个词缀活学活用可以发现不少漂亮的高分词汇,比如:overload, overdrive, overuse, overview, overlook, overlap等等。 06 Womens pe Individual 女子个人重剑 Sun beat Ana Maria Popescu of Romania, despite levelling the score with seconds remaining to take the event into overtime. ---- Olympics.com 07 Weightlifting Mens 61kg 男子61kg重量级举重 Chinas Li Fabin employs one-legged stance to win weightlifting gold.While the stance looked like he was flexing his strength for the judges, Li was actually using the move to correct his balance, something he does when he feels like there is a chance the lift can go wrong. ---- usatoday.com 08 Weightlifting Mens 67kg 男子67kg重量级举重 CHEN Lijun snatches gold in Mens 67kg Weightlifting. Five years after being forced to withdraw with leg cramps from Rio 2016, CHEN Lijun of the Peoples Republic of China has been crowned the Olympic champion in the weightlifting mens 67kg event at Tokyo 2020 with a total lift of 332kg. ---- olympics.com Snatch,光凭这个动作就知道这是举重这项运动了。它的意思是一把将抓起来,也有抢夺的意思。所以,文章中的 snatches gold 就是双关语了,既可以表示一把将金牌抓到手中,也可以表示把金牌争夺回来。 09 Weightlifting Womens 49kg 女子49kg重量级举重 Chinas Hou Zhihui took the first weightlifting gold of Tokyo 2020 on Saturday as she dashed Indias hopes of an elusive first womens Olympic title. The 24-year-old world championship silver medallist Hou dominated the 49kg competition, opening up a 7kg advantage over Indias Chanu Saikhom Mirabai after the opening three lifts. ---- france24.com Open up a advantage over .这个表达可以理解为开局就以的优势领先于。这个表达非常高分,也非常地道,是表述比赛状况的极佳短语。 通过上文的内容介绍,大家对“关于东京奥运会的雅思口语地道表达分享”大家是不是有了一个大致的了解呢?如果大家还想了解更详细、更多的相关内容,则可以继续关注本频道,也可以向本频道咨询。 >> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

